Review: Buggy Fit, Banstead, Coulsdon & Purley

It’s almost my birthday: the time of year when I resolve that I will get thinner, eat better and ultimately live longer. Last year, I finally got around to successfully losing my baby weight (from both pregnancies, as it had been accumulating) and keeping it off for the rest of the year!  Then Christmas happened… and Easter… and, before I knew it, I was right back at the same weight as April 2016. So, with a heavy heart (and an even heavier body), I have resolved (yet again) to do something about it, this time with the added incentive of squeezing into a bridesmaid’s dress for my little sister’s forthcoming wedding. Eeek!

As I edge ever closer to my forties, it gets more difficult, 1) to shift the pounds and 2) to find the time to dedicate to exercise.  I last stepped inside a gym before I fell pregnant for the first time. In fact, shockingly, it was more likely before I got married and we celebrate 6 happy years this June. So, finding a class that I can easily fit into my day (and take the little one along to) is a big bonus! 

Enter Buggy Fit and the very lovely Nikki, who specialises in post partum exercise, pre natal exercise and blitzing the ever-present mummy tummy.  She’s running classes twice a week (Monday and Thursday mornings) at 9.30am in Oaks Park, Banstead (opposite Mayfield Lavendar Fields) and we went along to give it a go…

I was pretty nervous, given my recent lack of effort, and worried I wouldn’t be able to keep up with the pace. But my fears were soon allayed. Nikki is fab and immediately made me (and little tot) feel welcome. We set off from the pavilion on a leisurely walk with the buggies, to warm up, and never went beyond my comfort zone. We were still able to have a good chat as we went around the park and interact with the babies, who loved watching their mummies do silly things: including press ups, planks and many other things I don’t know the names of. 

Mine was the eldest baby, at 18m, but he thought it was hilarious and even tried to join in with some of the stretches. The babies were entertained throughout and Nikki was great with them. At £5 for the first (taster) class and £30 for a block of 5 classes, it’s a great value exercise class with no childcare required for babies who can be contained in pushchairs. 

I left the park feeling energised for the rest of the day and wishing I’d had it in me to do this while I only had one small child to consider. I think it would have helped my post partum state of mind enormously, (the fresh air, the exercise, the friendly banter) had I been able to actually get myself out of the house before lunchtime and function like a normal human being… but that’s another story.

Instead, here I was, on the eve of turning 37, with a toddler laughing hysterically at me trying to touch my toes. My wobbly bits wobbled, my sports bra was tighter than it should have been, my trainers were the only things that still fit like they should, but it felt good. Really good. Even, dare I say it, a bit easy?!

Until the following morning… when I ached in places that I didn’t even know existed. 

Let’s call it a work in progress. But I’m excited to be taking the first steps… 

Nikki offers Buggy Fit Classes twice weekly in Oaks Park, Banstead at 9.30am (Monday’s and Thursday’s). Meet at the café.

£5 first session and then book in blocks of 5 sessions at £30.

Contact: / 07708 748 898

Nikki also offers personal training sessions at your home, including pre & postnatal sessions and wedding packages.

These can be on a one-to-one basis, (from £35 per hour), for couples, (from £40 per hour), or in small groups of up to four people (£60 per hour), perfect for NCT groups wanting to get in shape together.

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