Now You Are Three: A Love Letter

My dearest, darling eldest child, now you are three! You have taken huge leaps forward in recent months, graduating into “big boy pants”, starting to swim without armbands, becoming a regular little chatterbox and taking me with you on your daily adventures, whether it be to Neverland, Wonderland or just Far Far Away.  

I look back at photos of you and wonder where the time has flown! That fragile little newborn, that baby who pulled himself to standing and twerked just to keep his balance, that toddler who never left my side.

You’re now a funny, feisty little boy with a huge heart and a new found independence (about almost everything). Your insistence on doing everything alone is endearing and frustrating in equal measures, but you still need me and my kisses and cuddles, which I adore and appreciate so much, even when I am trying to change a nappy or have a wee.

You are brave, you are smart, you are kind to your baby brother. You make me proud every single day. Even when you also make me need wine.

You told me the other day that I was your best friend in the whole wide world, which made my heart melt. But that won’t, can’t, and shouldn’t last… Your brother will hopefully take that crown before very long and soon you will start at nursery school with a whole set of peers your own age.

So, I want you to know that I have loved every moment of being your best friend: being Tinkerbell to your Peter Pan; Aunt Polly to your Mr Tumble; Elvis to your Fireman Sam. You may no longer summon me from across the playground with cries of “Mr Smee!! Sound the alarm!” but I will always be your wingman, if and when you need me and my hand is always yours to hold.

xxx Mummy xxx

BEATTIE IS THREE, by Adrian Mitchell

At the top of the stairs

I ask for her hand. O.K.

She gives it to me.

How her fist fits my palm,

A bunch of consolation.

We take our time

Down the steep carpetway

As I wish silently

That the stairs were endless.

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