The nights are long, but the years are short…

I joined @thesleepdeprivedmumscoach and her free live sleep clinic on Facebook last night, in the hope of getting a little insight into why my boys don’t sleep like other children seem to. 

It was a real eye opener, a) at the amount of things that can affect little ones and their sleep and b) how many mummies are in the exact same boat as me!

We are out of the newborn sleep phase now, but little brother still wakes through the night and big Brother is up from 5am most mornings… At times it feels never ending but, in truth, it helps just to know I’m not alone. 

Jennie Harrison is a real expert in this field and offers a series of courses, including one-to-one bite-sized 15 minute sessions. Check out her free live Facebook sessions (available through the ‘5 Natural Secrets for Sleepy Little Ones’) to see if it’s right for you. It’s a strictly no Cry It Out zone, which I personally love, having spent almost four years feeling like the ‘weird’ mummy for not wanting to go down that route. Jennie’s group brings likeminded mum’s together with a common aim: to help their little ones get enough sleep. Plus, she’s a down to earth mum who’s going through it all herself for the second time with her seven month old daughter.

My biggest take away from the session (which was brilliant and I highly recommend following her) was that my babies need me. Whether it’s for reassurance & comfort, drinks & snacks or just a cuddle, I’m the one thing they need in the middle of the night. 

As someone who has always been afraid of the dark, I really do get it. Sometimes it takes someone with a bit more perspective to remind you of the things you know. I can remember calling out for my mum in the middle of the night and just irrationally needing her with me.  

Now it’s my turn. And despite bleary eyes and woolly heads, who can argue with a request for snuggles and cuddles, day or night? It really won’t last forever so, as crazy as it sounds, I am resolving to enjoy the little sleep thieves’ nocturnal antics for as long as they’ll let me…

You can remind me of this when you see me trying to open my front door by pointing the car key fob at it. 

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